Donate & Climber Contribution

Climber Contribution Fee

We ask climbers to consider a minimum contribution of $3 per climber as a KRTO Climber Contribution Fee. This fee directly supports the following initiatives:

  • Fair Wages: Ensuring porters are paid fair wages in accordance with our guidelines.
  • Proper Gear: Providing porters with the necessary gear and clothing to safely and comfortably undertake their work.
  • Education and Training: Offering training programs for porters on safety, first aid, and environmental conservation practices.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: Raising awareness among climbers and tour operators about the importance of ethical climbing practices.

Join us in our mission to support ethical climbing in Tanzania, Peru and Nepal. Together, we can make a difference, one step, one climber, one porter at a time. Interested in joining our team of volunteers? We can use all experience, just a few hours or more. Please contact us We are looking forward to meet you!

How to Contribute

Contributing to our project is simple:

You will receive an auto generated thank you letter and receipt.

Please note as a registered 501c3, donations for US taxpayers are tax deductible.

Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference in the lives of the porters and their families. By supporting IMEC, you’re not only ensuring a more ethical and enjoyable climbing experience for yourself but also contributing to a brighter future for the hardworking porters in the world. 



Annual report grants&donations

What do we do with your donations and grants? Read more in our annual Report for IMEC & KPAP/KRTO   

Thank you for your support and commitment to responsible tourism and ethical climbing practices.