You are welcome
All climbing companies are welcome to participate with IMEC’s Partner for Responsible Travel Program and there are no cost to join and/or be a member. IMEC’s Partner for Responsible Travel Program provides an assessment by a third party , based on objective measurements, to determine if a climbing company is meeting the proper treatment standards.
For more information or to register your company, please contact us at [email protected]
Thank you!

Qualification Process
In order to qualify as a Partner for Responsible Travel, climbing companies follow a step by step procedure:
- The company voluntarily participates with monitoring of the treatment practices during a Kilimanjaro climb. All monitoring activities are performed at no charge to the climbing company.
- The company undergoes extensive review and assessment during the initial climbing season after their partnership application is received.
- If the minimum number of climbs are examined during the initial climbing season, data from the monitoring activities is compiled at the end of the climbing season generating a Scorecard documenting the company’s treatment of the crew.
- A company qualifies as a Partner if attaining a minimum of an 85% performance level on the Guidelines for Proper Porter Treatment Scorecard.
- The Partner company’s practices continue to be monitored every season thereafter to determine if the company continues to qualify in meeting the minimum 85% performance level.
- Companies who fail to meet the 85% performance level in any season are suspended until they demonstrate an 85% performance level in the following climbing season.
Partner Program Performance Standards
In order to qualify as a Partner for Responsible Travel, climbing companies must adhere to all local and National Government standards and regulations (eg TALA license for Mountain Climbing/ Trekking). We have the following standards:
- the minimum wages for the crew agreed upon by the government and Kilimanjaro stakeholders.
- Provide salary payments within 2 days after the descent of a climb as per KINAPA regulations.
- Implement a transparent tipping procedure to ensure that the porters receive the full amount of tip intended for them.
- Provide tipping recommendations to climbers so that porters receive a proper living wage from the combined salary and tip.
- Provide the appropriate number of porters per climb so that each porter carries only 20kg of company kit.
- Provide 3 meals a day and cover all costs for food while on the mountain.
- Provide adequate tents, ground sheet, and appropriate sleeping space for crew.
- Offer equal climbing opportunities to all porters registered with the company.
- Inform the crew of the company’s requirements regarding gear and equipment and ensure proper kit prior to the climb.
- Assist with the descent of an ill porter and provide for medical treatment as necessary.
- Participate in a biannual review of Guidelines for Proper Porter Treatment Scorecards with KPAP.
- Meet with porters, company Director/s and KPAP once per year to review and discuss crew welfare.
- Attend Annual General Partner Company meeting.