Partnership for Responsible Travel

Overview in 90 seconds

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The International Mountain Explorers Connection (IMEC) created the Partnership for Responsible travel to recognize those tour operators with fair treatment of the mountain crew. All over the world. We begun in Tanzania.

Acceptance as a Partner is based upon the climbing company’s meeting the Guidelines for Proper Porter Treatment on Kilimanjaro through the monitoring activities performed by KRTO’s local initiative, the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP).

There is no fee or donation required to be a part of the Partner Program. It is a part of IMEC’s mission to highlight those climbing companies with fair treatment practices.

Criteria for acceptance as a Partner:

  • Implementation of systems that ensure fair treatment for the company’s crew.
  • Demonstration of compliance with the proper treatment guidelines.

Webinar  Questions&Answers for Tanzanian climbing companies – 2nd of May 2024





Impact of the Partner for Responsible Travel Program

IMEC estimates that some 7,500 porters climbing Kilimanjaro with the Partner companies have benefited in the following ways.

Although the government has declared a minimum wage, the salary amounts paid are variable and can be as low as 10,000Tsh per day. Because it is mandatory for the Partner companies to pay at least 20,000Tsh per day, the average daily salary payment was 21,000Tsh.

Companies have different tipping procedures and climbers may give the guide the tip money assuming s/he will distribute the tip fairly. It is a Partner requirement to have transparency in tipping. KPAP reviews the tipping procedure on every climb. 95.2% of the Partner companies’ climbs had transparent tipping procedures.

Porters may eat 1 or 2 meals per day on a climb. The Partner companies are committed to providing 3 meals per day with good portion quantity reported on 99% of the climbs.

Porters may have poor sleeping accommodations and be overcrowded. Partner company porters slept in good quality tents and had adequate sleeping space 97.4% of the time.

20 kg weight
Partner companies weigh the bags prior to going to the gate. This helps ensure the appropriate number of porters and they are carrying the 20kg weight regulation.

All legally licensed climbing companies are welcome to join the Partner for Responsible Travel Program. There is no fee or donation required. By choosing to climb with a Partner company, you can be assured that your porters are taken care of well.

Quality Mark

We are experiencing instances of companies using our organization’s name on their website who have not been accepted as a Partner for Responsible Travel. For a current list, please visit the CURRENT PARTNERS section of our website.

The Quality Mark of our partner program is how you recognise the right partner to start your travel.


For  more information to check your travel partner or to register your company as a responsible travel partner, please contact us at [email protected]
Thank you!